miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

"Simplemente" Michel Quarez

The famous French poster artist is showing his work in the Forney Library
Paperzine - Paper Ideas

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Du 19 septembre au 2 janvier
Quarez posts at the bibliothèque Forney
Bibliothèque Forney,
75004 Paris
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A familiar figure to Parisians for the spectacularly coloured posters he created for the “Paris quartier d’été” festival from 2007 to 2009, Michel Quarez occupies a unique position on today’s graphic design scene. This veritable craftsman of advertising posters is now showing 78 posters in the Forney library. Before everything else, Michel Quarez is a painter, an artist who adapts totally to the poster, which he conceives as a monumental work of art. His manner of applying great swathes of saturated colour triggers a visual shock that is further reinforced by his frequent use of fluorescent inks. He doesn’t believe in superfluous details: the simplicity of his images brings primitive art to mind, leaving an impression that becomes a real riot of colour. Michel Quarez has also created what is actually an unprecedented arrangement of poster art, repeating nearly 2,000 copies of the same poster along a ten kilometre route. This artistic intrusion into the cityscape will also stay in place as long as the exhibition remains open to the public.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

"4 Libertades" de Norman Rockwell

"Pensamientos sobre democracia" es un homenaje al diseñador, ilustrador y fotógrafo estadounidense Norman Rockwell (1894-1978).

Pensamientos sobre democracia

"Pensamientos sobre democracia" es exposición colectiva internacional y un homenaje al diseñador, ilustrador y fotógrafo estadounidense Norman Rockwell (1894-1978). La muestra presenta 83 carteles de diseñadores gráficos y artistas convocados por el Museo Wolfsonian de Florida, Estados Unidos.

//////////////// El tema del cartel son las "Cuatro Libertades" de Rockwell. Se trata de la libertad de palabra, de culto, de la necesidad y de eludir el temor. Este proyecto de referencia fue publicado por primera vez como una serie semanal en "The Saturday Evening Post", en 1943. Las "cuatro libertades", de Norman Rockwell, representaron, en la década de los 40, un momento en que el optimismo era un arma contra la desesperación y el terror que gran parte del mundo tuvo que soportar durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-45).

//////////////// El gobierno de Franklin D. Roosvelt encargó a artistas y diseñadores que concibieran nemotecnias y narrativas poderosas, que incitaran a la sociedad estadounidense a una fiebre patriótica, y Rockwell fue quien más influencia tuvo entre los muchos que aceptaron el reto. En un comunicado se explicó que el trabajo del también pintor giró en torno a convencer a la sociedad estadounidense a participar en un acontecimiento que ocurría más allá de sus fronteras: la guerra.

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

Lavapiés. Exposición de carteles y deriva por las localizaciones de control

Exposición de carteles y deriva por las localizaciones del control.
Sábado 17 de octubre 2009

12h. 30: Deriva por el barrio
14h. Exposición en el Solar de los carteles producidos colectivamente para la Convocatoria Feliz

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Sábado 17 de octubre, 12h. 30.
Pza. Lavapiés y Solar Olivar 48.
Lavapiés (Madrid). Metro Lavapiés.
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viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Raquel & Joaquim / Festa del grafisme

Os presetamos 2 mensajes producidos por Raquel Quevedo & Joaquim Salat en respuesta a nuestra propuesta de politizar del arte.

Gracias por compartir vuestro tiempo e ideas con nosotros en el Workshop: "Wallpaper project". Un mundo feliz / Festa del grafisme 2009 / Portbou.

La propuesta del taller era utilizar la capacidad de expresión plástica y creativa para emitir mensajes, que trataran asuntos de interés general para la comunidad. Ya que como afirma Walter Benjamin en su ensayo El autor como productor, el arte es una fuente de gratificación para ser consumida, aunque realmente podría servir de vehículo para concienciar a las masas.

sábado, 10 de octubre de 2009

Create democracy

Déja vu in Gaza
by Vera Gowlland-Debbas

Do events in Gaza show the "responsibility to protect" to be nothing but pious buzz-words? Through the lens of history, remember the famous attempt by Jews to resist the Germans in armed fighting in the Warsaw ghetto? As recounted by The Holocaust Encyclopedia, the Warsaw ghetto was established by German decree on October 12, 1940 and sealed off from the rest of the city. “The ghetto was enclosed by a wall that was over 10 feet high, topped with barbed wire, and closely guarded to prevent movement between the ghetto and the rest of Warsaw. The population of the ghetto…was estimated to be over 400,000 Jews. German authorities forced ghetto residents to live in an area of 1.3 square miles, with an average of 7.2 persons per room.”

Deserted in Western Sahara
by Saeed Taji Farouky

Thirty years since the declaration of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic the people of this "non-country" are still waiting for peaceful independence and expecting war. Saeed Taji Farouky joins a grim anniversary celebration. From children to adults," says Mohammad Ali, "everyone will tell you they want war." We are in Tifariti, a collection of municipal buildings in the western extreme of the Sahara desert, hundreds of kilometres from the nearest city. We are supposed to be celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the declaration of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), for which the Polisario Front, which runs the SADR, has brought more than five hundred foreign journalists, aid workers, artists and others here to mark the occasion. But the mood is not festive.

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jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Diseño y violencia

El día 1 de octubre se celebró el Día Europeo del Diseño, con esta "festividad" el Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA) llama la atención sobre la importancia del diseño en el contexto de la innovación europea. Según BEDA, invertir en diseño ayuda a las empresas a ser “más innovadoras, generar mayores beneficios y crecer a un ritmo más rápido que las que no lo hacen”. La gestión del diseño es una función estratégica, estrechamente ligada a la propuesta de valor de la empresa...

Mientras tanto la violencia de género no da tregua. La comisaria Ferrero-Waldner ha declarado que combatir la violencia contra la mujeres significa promover la paz... La gestión de la paz es una función estratégica, estrechamente ligada a la propuesta de valor de la persona...


Good Morning!
“This isn´t happiness,
or maybe perhaps, it is.”

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

"Working Girls" by Douglas Clark

Working Girls, workin' it... in one way or another... a Flickr set by Douglas Clark.

"It started because a friend had given me a supertelephoto lens, and I happened to have some time at work one day. The photos are of the people that habit the area around my work, and most end up being crack/heroin users. Many turn to prostitution to support that habit. There are multiple agencies near this location that provide programs and help to anyone that needs it, but I end up seeing the same faces time and time again in the area...."

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Via The Reverse Cowgirl
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martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

La familia #1

Princess Hijab, "advertising hijabist with a cause"

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Princess Hijab
es una artista "street art". Durante la noche, y con la ayuda de su guerrilla, cubre con velos a las modelos que figuran en las vallas publicitarias. Parece que estas acciones provocan intensos debates sobre el fundamentalismo religioso, la libertad cultural y los sistemas de opresión.

"Princess Hijab knows that L’Oréal and Dark & Lovely have been killing her little by little. With her spray paint and black marker pen, she is out to hijabize advertising. Even Kate Moss is targeted. By day, she wears a white veil, symbol of purity. By night, her black veil is the expression of her vengeful fight for a cause," states Princess Hijab (princesshijab.org) in her manifesto.


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Autorretratos de María Leza
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El autorretrato es uno de los ejercicios de análisis más profundos que puede hacer un artista. Implica escrutarse el rostro y conocerse hasta tal punto que la expresión que tenga en ese momento se traduzca en una representación permanente.

Como recurso literario se utilizan la prosopografía y la etopeya. La primera, indica la descripción física de una persona: rasgos físicos, estatura, corpulencias, facciones, etcétera; como tal se opone a la etopeya o descripción psicológica, moral y de las costumbres de una persona. Ambas en conjunto constituyen el retrato o semblanza).

CSPG celebra 20 años

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Poster designed by Lex Drewinsky
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CSPG Celebrates 20 Years of Explosive Graphic

The Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG) is excited to invite you to celebrate 20 years of reclaiming the power of art to educate and inspire social change. Please join us at the historic Union Station in downtown Los Angeles, Saturday, October 17, 2009 as we honor these outstanding individuals:

June Wayne—artist, lithographer, teacher, writer, and founder of Tamarind Lithography Workshop will receive the Culture of Liberation Award. Culture contains the seed of opposition becoming the flower of liberation. –Amílcar Cabral David

Kunzle—art historian, writer, activist, actor, and poster collector
will receive the Historian of the Lions Award. Until the lions have their historians, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter. –African Proverb

Juan Fuentes—poster artist, cultural activist, printmaker, teacher will receive the Art is a Hammer Award. Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it. –Vladimir Mayakovsky

Comedian, writer and performer Sandra Tsing Loh will emcee. There will be a fantastic dinner, entertainment, great company, a dynamic poster presentation, and a unique auction of vintage posters and original artworks.

CSPG is an educational and research archive that collects, preserves, documents, and circulates political posters relating to historical and contemporary movements for social change. With more than 70,000 domestic and international graphics, CSPG has the largest collection of post-World War II political graphics in the country. Through traveling and online exhibitions, presentations, and publications, CSPG is reclaiming the power of art to educate and inspire people to action. Visit our website www.politicalgraphics.org to find digital exhibitions, online shopping, and more.