jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007


"Victim" is a poster by

Good 50x70 is an international project which aims to raise awareness in the worldwide creative network of the power they have to influence people to benefit good causes. The name of the initiative comes from the size of the media (50x70 cm posters) that the creatives were asked to design in a competition in order to raise awareness of five issues as decided by the charities that supported Good 50x70 - Amnesty, AMREF (African Medical and Research Foundation), Emergency, Greenpeace and LILA (Italian League for the fight against AIDS). The project was also endorsed by ICOGRADA, BEDA, AIAP (Italian designers association) and ADI (Italian industrial design association - Lombardy chapter).

There were more than 1500 entries to the competition and out of these 200 posters were selected by a jury of ten leading graphic designers as the best and were exhibited at La Triennale Gallery in Milan from June 19-24 this year. To see all the winning entries on the Good 50x70 website: http://good50x70.org/

These 200 posters are being auctioned in order to raise much needed funds for the charities that supported the competition. As Good 50x70 is a non-profit organisation, all the profit from the sale of the posters will go to the support of the project itself.

The poster that you are bidding on is one of the 200 exhibited posters at La Triennale gallery, Milan, from June 19 - 24 2007. As the exhibition was set up to resemble street walls and were exhibited outside, the posters are weather beaten and hence unique. They are certified with a personalized stamp and the hand signature of Pasquale Volpe, the President of the Good Design association.

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