John Doffing founder of START SOMA + START MOBILE says: Over the past few weeks, I have watched with the world the evolving spectacle that is Sarah Palin. Now, I have never been incredibly political, and in the spirit of full disclosure, in my wild and crazy younger days, I actually attended a $1000 a plate Bush fundraiser.
But over the past few weeks, I started to pay a little bit more attention. And what I saw made me more than a little nervous. Sarah Palin's supporters tell us that SHE IS JUST LIKE US. And this may well be true. But is this appropriate criteria for choosing the Potential Leader of the Free World? Personally, I want my leaders to be NOTHING like me - I want The Smartest + Most Experienced Candidates possible. And by ANY stretch of the imagination, Sara Palin is neither.
So we decided to do something about it. A few days ago, I emailed a few artist and designer friends and asked them if they could design some Sarah Palin political posters for global distribution via an online art gallery, and the first posters are available at Start Soma.
We have some pretty amazing PALIN POLITICAL POSTERS live already, and hope to receive a lot more in the weeks leading up to the election. Digital images from the Palin Political Poster Project are available for FREE distribution globally under a Creative Commons license, and high-resolution files of each poster are available for printing.
For better or worse, we live in a sound-bite culture, and I believe that the simple messages contained in the artwork we are featuring in the PALIN POLITICAL POSTER PROJECT can indeed have an impact. By leveraging available technologies, I am convinced that these simple messages can reach millions of people in short order - and maybe, just maybe, they can make a difference.
Esta imagen es un homenaje a Alain Le Quernec, en especial a su trabajo "Attention au début Hitler faisait rire" un cartel del año 1987 realizado por iniciativa de Bernard Poignant del partido socialista de Quimper. En nuestra opinión es posiblemente uno de los mejores diseños de la historia...
David, Brigitte "Alain Le Quernec: A thinking hand". Graphis. FindArticles.com. 13 Oct. 2008.
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