jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018

Passion and indignation...

[...] Of course, the design problem, in the case of personal interventions, is how to become visible... how to enter into the bloodstream of the culture. (they expressed ideas that I felt should be made explicit.)

[...] I am also fascinated by the derision that accompanies the word "do-gooders," as if only the naive and inept would consider "doing good" a principle. I think artists tend to be liberal because their view of the world has to include doubt and ambiguity as well as generosity and optimism. In the recent years, I've come to believe that the world is divided between those who make things and those who control things.

[...] Of course, the issue becomes, if we hold our beliefs lightly, can we still maintain our passion and indignation when our sense of fairness is violated?

Milton Glaser (2008). 4 Short Talks (more or less on the subject of design). Published by Visual Arts Press, New York, NY.

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